Big Theme Update (along with a bug fix)

Hi everyone, this is time for Tekst Boks's first and ever update. This is not a small update with just some bug fixes instead it's a complete makeover.
We have added Basic Syntax Highlighting now, so you wouldn't have any problem understanding the code pasted on this app.
The syntax highlighting supports basic functions in most languages like, currently three types of comments are supported, "//", "#" and "--". These comment types are used in most popular languages, and so they were added as comments are an important part of the code, and they should be easily distinguishable from executable code.
Also in the syntax highlighting we have included "if", "elif" and "else" conditions. So you can easily identify them from everything else. For lua there is syntax highlighting in "func" and "end".
Apart from that, now quotation marks too have a distinguishable colour. Other highlighted words include Happy and Tekst Boks.
However, all changes are not code related as Tekst Boks is not made for only programming folks. In fact, you might mistake it for a text editor which it is not, so be aware.
The New Major update includes a new colour changing theme which changes the background colour to something different every second to keep your mood fresh. And the main text editor colour is also changed from pure black to very dark blue.
And the last but definitely not the least update which by the way was the reason why this update happened this sooner is fixing a bug where your text would not be saved if you pasted some text in the Tekst Boks.
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